Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New digs

Hi Folks.
Forgive the new digs. No more vivid blues, greens, and dandelions.  I'm keeping it simple because things are going to get fast and furious now. I hope you like the new format; it's a trial run, so please let me know if links don't work yet.

I've spent the last few days doing behind the scenes work on Song.  Today, I have some exciting news.
I have an outside publicist!  I did some research on other writers' blogs and decided that I "think I sort of desperately needed her maybe."  Her name is Crystal Patriarche, and she'll be helping me navigate the new and expanded world of readers. Hiring an outside publicist is up to the novelist, not your publisher in my case, and there is some valuable discussion in the blogosphere on "to hire, or not to hire." See Allison Winn Scotch's blog for more info.

The ARCs are still in the process of being printed, and I'm so antsy, I'm dancing like a little toddler who's got to go.  When I see those darlings in a big brown box on my front porch, I'll declare Christmas early.

In the meantime, stayed tuned for some exciting contests and prizes (yes, goodies!) for writers and readers who pre-order Song of the Orange Moons! Save those confirmation emails....

Thanks for keeping up with this long journey toward publishing.