Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cover Reveal for SOME ACT of VISION

We'll, I'm pleased as punch.

My Young Adult novel finally has clothes. Are you ready for this?

The cover for SOME ACT OF VISION:

I think my favorite detail is the ominous purple mushroom cloud in her eye. And her "Mona Lisa" flair. And the somber tone. Or maybe my favorite part is the sa-weet blurb by Amy Plum, a fantastic YA writer that had me up till the wee hours of the morning reading by flashlight on the bathroom floor in Paris. (That's another story, but seriously, go read her DIE FOR ME series.) This cover is lovely. Fantastic job, Tim (he's the incredible designer) and ASD Publishing!

I'm wringing my hands, waiting for the pre-order link. It's not up yet, but you can bet your britches I'll post a link as soon as I have one. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for early reviews from some very special book bloggers. (I'll post links to those, too.)

I'll be pleased as spiked punch if you help me share the cover bliss.
Here's what SOME ACT OF VISION is about:

After ten years of ballet lessons, Jordan Walker has finally landed her first principal role in Romeo and Juliet. Sweeter yet, "Romeo" has asked her to the May Fling Ball at Winston High. But a massive Texas earthquake triggered by the fracking activity nearby tears apart the community and Jordan's future as a dancer. The Walker family survives the earthquake, but wake up the next morning utterly invisible. 

On the run from a military with nefarious plans, Jordan and her family are forced to abandon their old lives and flee to Galveston. It isn't until she meets Caleb, a blind musician, that Jordan dares to hope again. And the more their secret friendship develops, the more Jordan understands the danger she's placed everyone in.

If you want to know more about the book, hop over to my website and read the first chapter. 
September 17 is right around the corner. I hope you can join me in the hoopla!

(UPDATE: My website is being stubborn uploading the new cover. I might have to arm-wrestle with it, but the cover WILL be up soon.)

~Lori Ann