Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Between teaching summer classes and preparing for the big move to Paris, I've hardly had time to make a big announcement about my dear friend, Samantha Mabry.

Are you ready?

Here's her celebratory dance:

And here's the news: Algonquin Press has acquired Samantha's debut Young Adult novel, LEAVES (release 2016).

I'm thrilled for her. So thrilled. How many glasses of wine did we drink, talking about writing and the business, and trying not to talk about writing and the business in order not to jinx things? Because I think we both believe a little bit in omens and jinxes and other ghostly things that play tricks on us.

Anyway, Samantha, my dear Samantha: congratulations on this huge accomplishment! I believe in your storytelling, and I'm so happy that an excellent press has recognized your talent for the word.
Let's drink and toast and gab and talk.

If you'd like to hop over to her website or twitter accounts and congratulate her, please do! And keep a lookout for her book.