Friday, August 22, 2014

On Being Home in Paris

I'm home.

In Paris.

I'm here for a little over five months to get some creative projects completed and to immerse Julien in a French public school. Thanks to my brilliant, compassionate man with the kajillion frequent flyer miles, Mother has joined us for the first two weeks. Here we are walking through the Jardin du Luxembourg.

I've brought along an electric violin to keep up my progress, but mostly in the evening Mother and I play Scrabble. Our bellies full of wine and cheese and pain campagne and other delightful French food.

Here is my agenda for this extended trip, which frankly will be a magnificent feat if I can swing it:
1. Write an opera libretto built upon the previous aria I wrote for Charlie McCarron (Rubie's Aria).
2. Write a sequel for SOME ACT OF VISION.
3. Revise a mess of a manuscript--an adult literary novel.
4. Write the sequel for my middle-grade manuscript, based on Julien's experiences here in Paris.

You guys: four genres. I'm insane. It's a good thing I'm in Paris. The scenery alone will give me strength, right?

I have one more week of vacation with Mother until things get serious.

bisoux from Paris!