Monday, October 10, 2011

Can't Put this Book Down

Literally, I've been carrying this book around with me so I can sneak in a few pages wherever I go.  (I just got back from a lovely barium swallowing test at Baylor Medical Center, and I toted this book along with me.) What book is this that I can't put down, you say?  

Steplings, the new novel by C.W. Smith.

It's not YA, but it is literary fiction about two kids (18 and 11 yrs) who run away from home and the Amber Alert that follows.  It's about a family that was already unraveling paradoxically twining together and falling apart at the same time.  I'm engrossed with Jason and Emily.  I'm 3/4 finished and, as soon as I'm finished with this post, you know what I'm going to do? The book's right here to the right of my laptop.

Thanks, C.W., for a great story.  I hope lots and lots of people buy this book.
Here's the rather fantastic book trailer.  Many of you know how hard it is to create (or find) a book trailer that isn't cheesy. This one rocks.