Sunday, December 4, 2011


So, it's the end of the semester, and that means a few things. Grading final essays, submitting grades, France for Christmas Break, and writing.

As soon as I submit final grades for the semester, I hunker down and write.  Seriously write.  Six-hour-a-day writing, the kind that makes my heart want to explode, it feels so good.  My favorite place to write is on the plane to and from France.  The in-flight movies are either terrible or I've seen them (or both), so I pull out my laptop--and then my notebook when the laptop dies--and type/hand write several chapters over the Atlantic.

When we're in Paris, my eight-year-old son keeps his daily blog, which he dictates to me.  That means I'll have little time to even log into my own blog.  So if I don't make an appearance over the next few weeks, it's not because I'm not writing.

Have a great holiday break, teachers, students, and colleagues. 
Oh, and if you don't want to fight the crowds at the mall:
Song of the Orange Moons makes a great little holiday gift (hard back OR on Kindle) for friends and family!