Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another little girl and her goat

Another Road Trip Wednesday, folks
(From the website: RTW is a ‘Blog Carnival,’ where YA Highway's contributors post a weekly writing- or reading-related question that begs to be answered.)

This week's topic asks us what themes, settings, motifs, scenes, or other elements do we find recurring in our work?
1. Hordes of unhappy little girls and unhappy mothers (à la Betty and Sally Draper)
2. Blanket metaphors that keep creeping into my drafts (the fog like a blanket, his silence like a blanket, the humidity like a blanket, oppression like a blanket, etc.) Thanks to my beta reader, I recognize and kill those darlings as soon as they descend on me like a blanke--
3. Fathers who try really hard but just don't get their daughters
4. Goats.  Yes, goats.
from here.
5. Pride and prejudice, usually in the main character, which (I hope) gets sorted out by the last chapter
6. Fingers and acute sensitivity to touching in general   

Readers, what have I missed?  If you recently read Song of the Orange Moons (or are reading it now), what motifs skulk around the pages?