Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Road Trip Wednesday's 100th birthday!

100 weeks, that is.

This week's topic is What has your writing road trip looked like so far? Excitement? Traffic Jams and detours? Where are you going next?

Now that is a timely question, as I finally, this week, laid out my exhilarating, confusing, maddening,  gleeful, heartbreaking journey to publication with a traditional small publisher over the past three years.  I put it off and I put it off because I did not want to write anything negative about the good woman who selected my book out of the slush pile and declared it the Chosen One.

But the whole point of creating this blog was to share with other writers what it's like to get your book published, and I knew--I knew--I wasn't being completely honest.  I hope others can learn something, no matter how small, about the challenges of publishing.  

Even today, I wonder if putting it on the internet will come back to haunt me. If you want to take a peek at the story, scroll back a few days in the blog archive to read about my "perilous journey."

Was it exciting? Yes! Am I still over the moon to be published? Yes!

I've finished two more manuscripts--one adult novel and one YA novel--and those babies are visiting agents. My fingers and legs and toes are crossed. In the meantime, it helps to read the success stories of other authors.  They help keep hope alive. Thanks, blogging authors!